Sunday, April 4, 2010

Buona Pasqua!

The Easter basket contained a legendary treat today.
Lychee jelly is a wonderful experience.  I prefer mine chilled. Imagine Jello-O favored with Lychee juice with some bits of baby coconut mixed in and bathed in a sweet, slippery syrup, so when you squeeze the plastic cup, it spits right out.  All packaged in a neat little container with great graphics.  My father turned us onto these.  As K said, "It tastes like my childhood."

1 comment:

Fez said...

The Fez brood has annihilated the tub-o-lychees in less than two weeks. Andrew Mario just said, " call Grandma Toni and tell her we need more lychees!!"

I had like 3 or 4 of them.