Sunday, April 11, 2010

Best canned beer EVER? And a wonderful idea for a dinner party

Red Racer India Pale Ale is the best canned beer EVER!
What is there not to like? Not a thing not to like (not too many negative statements in one line? Never!).

YM picked this up solely based on a picture of a bicycle and "India Pale Ale" just before out last outing into the city with the Edzo, Bakin', Red Bullmoose, Sunshine and some other friends.  It must have been fate.  Points for initiative, since we did not even need beer. Points for going outside the usual options. Extra points for semi-pornographic label.  Bonus points because I loved it.

Taste: Great. On par with very hoppy beers that I love including Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA and Blue Point Hoptical Illusion.

Packaging: Great.  Cool picture of a bicycle.  Cool picture of a bicycle rider (note: rider has no helmet, but she has really long hair that may get messy if she had to wear one and it doesn't look like she was planning on a very long ride, so she gets a pass.  I don't think she has kids and has to worry about being a role model.). Nice use of colors on label.  Proudly proclaims product of Canada and has a little logo for British Columbia.  I guess my list of canned beers that I drink is fairly short.  I'll admit that I'm the first to skip the metal containers and look for all the glass bottles.  Unearned prejudice.  Apparently so.  Well, well earned up until now.  I just don't think beers of this taste and quality are usually bottled in cans.  Most canned beers are ..well.. watery domestics.

Price:  Don't know, but worth it. Life is too short for bad beer.

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Maybe not BC's number one export, but certainly BC's best tasting liquid export.

Perhaps South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut saw the future and this is the Canadian's first wave attack in  their attempt at world (or at least North American) domination.  Get the Americans hooked on great tasting beer, so they start drinking in excess, then the Canadians politely pour across the border (like little Maple Leaf seed pod helicopter thingies) while we are glued to our televisions watching the finale of Lost, Red Racer IPAs in hand, buzzed and confused, and the youth of our country are too busy with Facebook or texting to notice.

On a different front, wonderful idea from Bakin' tonight.  She, Edzo, Cesius and Ocho hosted dinner this evening for Taters and I.  Discussion came up about past dinners and dinners missed.  They were unable to make the last hot dog throwdown I had. Of course we have to do it again and somehow raise the bar.  Bakin' suggested including other hot dog type grilled things, including bratwurst.  Cesius added a request for wieners (knowing full well how fun it is to say wieners and that wieners and hot dogs and franks are all different preparations or at least frames of mind).  Upon further consideration, I think May will be prime time for the Meatobacillus Throwdown (correction from Fez.  We may have to change this Carnebacillus).  All meats (or meat-like substances) served must be a a rod/tube/cylindrical shape.  Sharing the name for a dinner party with a bacteria is just the type of irony (I hope) that I love.  Remember bacillus is a Greek (correction from Fez-Latin) derivation for rod-shaped.
Hot dogs, weiners, franks, bratwurst, Andouille, chicken sausage, red hots, chourico, linguica, hot Italian sausage and kielbasa.
What is your favor hot dog brand/variety?  I vote for Kayem Deli Dogs.  Any other suggestions/favorites/requests for rod/tube/cylindrically shaped meats?  Send them in.
(Note to readers: The first person to suggest tofu pups is going to get beaten with an all-beef cylindrically shaped meat product.)


Fez said...

Concerning "Meatobacillus": Bacillus is actually a Latin derived word (by and large medical/anatomical nomemclature uses Latin, the language of Renaissance intellect; exception: disease states (e.g "hepatitis") which were Greek which was the language of Classical intellect.

And so the prefix "Meato-" (pronounced "Mee-ay-toe") would relate to "meatus" (pronounced "Me-ate-us"). The meatus is the opening of the urethra, most often the male urethra.

Interestingly, one of the more popular rod shaped bacteria that can invade the urethra is Neisseria gonorrhoeae. That can cause the drip. Or the clap.

Maybe I am just over-analyzing your neologism.

Fez said...

On another, less digressive note:

I read something ( not sure if it was online in WSG, NYT or print media) recently regarding beer in cans and how it actually may be the future of quality beer. Light and oxygen are bad for beer (and wine; and cans, now that they have some sort of coating lining the interior, are better and keeping both out. Same reason corks are out and twistoffs are in in the wine world. Corks and box wine too. mylar bags have zero air exposure.

Beer in mylar balloons soon? Can you get a Red Racer balloon with a nitrous balloon?

I was just in BC this winter, but do not recall having the Red Racer. I would have remembered the label. Points for the stockings and garters as riding gear?